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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Uberstrike Guide to Close Range Sniper

Reason as to why?
Author Comment:  When people say that I am really good or skilled I am not skilled.  I am not being modest just truthful.

Reasons for my success in sniping:
The reason why I am so successful in killing my opponents is due to philosophy & psychology.  Simply put it I manipulate where you are going to go, for that reason alone it is easy for a sniper to get a headshot on a moving opponent.  However there are some people who can get headshots without needing this.  They are the truly skilled ones in uberstrike.

How to manipulate movement:
The concept is really simple this requires you to move which snipers rarely do.  For close combat you try to run away from a opponent until you reach a narrow path, you strafe left to right on the widest part of the path.  The opponent will usually come jumping however jumping limits the person to a near linear line.  By using this you can score a shot to the foot or nad's.
Long range unable to manipulate movement however they will move left to right with random intervals.  You can easily force your way to close  range refer to paragraph above.

What have you learned?
You have learned how to fight close range with a sniper rifle.

Author Comments:  I am usually hesitant to reveal any quirks I use to defeat people however I feel that most people lack the capability to predict movement like I do.

1 comment:

  1. I fixed up the guide so that text would be displayed as white
